Spreading New Grass Seed? How To Choose The Right Variety

Posted on: 7 July 2022

If your lawn is looking a little bare or the grass seems to be thinning, you may be thinking about investing in some grass seed to fill it in. Before you do that, it's important that you choose the right grass seed. There are many different seed choices, so knowing which one is the right one can be challenging. Here's a look at a few of the things that you need to know before you choose your new grass seed.

Shade Tolerance

The first thing you need to think about is the shade tolerance of the grass seed that you choose. Observe your yard for a few days under normal sunlight conditions to determine how much sunlight your lawn receives. That way, you can narrow down your grass seed choices to the ones that are tolerant of the sun and shade balance that your property gets. This is important to ensure that the grass thrives.


Every type of grass has its own durability rating. This indicates how much traffic and stress the grass can withstand. If your yard is a busy place, you'll want to be sure that you select a grass variety that's highly durable and can hold up to the traffic demands that you'll put on it. This applies whether it's you and your family or even your pets putting the demand on the grass.

Soil Condition

Before you select or spread any type of grass seed on your lawn, you need to consider the condition of your soil. Talk with a landscaping contractor about testing your soil so that you know what kind of nutrient balance you are working with. This can also help you to determine if you need to amend the soil in your yard before you lay grass seed.

Water Need

Some grass varieties are more drought-tolerant than others. If you live in an area that's prone to drought and watering restrictions, you need to choose a grass variety that's tolerant of dry conditions. This is an important consideration because watering restrictions can lead to a dry, dead lawn if you don't choose your grass carefully.

These are a few of the key considerations when you're buying grass seed. When you keep these factors in mind, you're sure to get the grass that you've envisioned in a lush, thick, green lawn that thrives under the right kind of care and nurturing. Talk with a local grass seed supplier such as Mata Turf about your options today.


Home and Garden Yard Care Tips and Tricks

Hi, my name is Robert Reese and welcome to my home and garden blog about yard care. I think it's important for the landscape around the house to be well cared for and immaculate. I spend many hours in my yard cutting the grass, weeding the flower beds and trimming around the house. Guests who come to my home are always complimenting me on my beautiful yard. I really enjoy doing yard work and it makes me proud when others notice the hard work that I do to keep it looking nice. I decided to write a blog so I could share my yard and landscaping tips and tricks with others. I hope that by reading my blog you'll have a yard that others will notice too.