5 Secrets To Growing Beautiful Orchids

Posted on: 3 May 2022

Orchids are stunning plants, with thousands of different species of orchids that exist. Orchids are the biggest family of flowering plants, with the most variety. With the right care, you can have orchids that thrive inside of your home throughout the year. You just have to know how to take proper care of orchid plants

1. Start with the Right Pot

First, you need to start with the right pot. You want to provide the orchid with an environment that is as similar as possible to its natural environment. You are going to want to plant your orchid inside of a pot that uses a potting mix specifically designed for orchids; don't use the same regular soil mixture that you use for your other plants. 

2. Find a Spot with Bright Indirect Sunlight

Second, you need to find a spot for your orchid where it will get sunlight that is bright, but indirect for most of the day. Orchids do like sunlight, but they are not made to handle lots of direct light. Direct light can dry the orchid out and can result in their blooms dying from too much sunlight. 

One of the best places to put your orchids is near an east-facing window; that way they will get lots of early morning light that is gentle, and light throughout the day. If your orchid starts to dry out, it is getting too much light. If it is getting dark, it is not getting enough light. 

3. Water Regularly and Sparingly

Third, you need to water regularly and sparingly. What does that mean? That means that you should water your orchid once a week, on a set schedule. When you water, you want to do so gently. Turn the tap on so that water is coming out very slowly, and then place the orchid under it for ten to fifteen seconds. That is all the time that it needs to get some water without being overwatered.

It is common to mist household plants. However, that is unnecessary with orchids. Misting can actually result in rotting and damage to your orchid.

4. Add Some Humidity

Although you shouldn't mist your plant, orchids do like humidity, as they typically grow in humid climates. You can add a humidifier near the area where your orchid is in order to add more moisture to the air. This isn't something that you have to do, but it can be helpful for the successful growth of your orchid. 

5. Leave the Roots Alone

Orchid roots tend to grow a lot, and they may actually start to grow up and out of the pot. This is natural and isn't something to worry about. Don't cut the roots, as that can be harmful to the development of the plant. Instead, just allow them to grow. This will actually help the plant's overall health. 

Use the five tips above to help your orchids thrive inside your home. 



Home and Garden Yard Care Tips and Tricks

Hi, my name is Robert Reese and welcome to my home and garden blog about yard care. I think it's important for the landscape around the house to be well cared for and immaculate. I spend many hours in my yard cutting the grass, weeding the flower beds and trimming around the house. Guests who come to my home are always complimenting me on my beautiful yard. I really enjoy doing yard work and it makes me proud when others notice the hard work that I do to keep it looking nice. I decided to write a blog so I could share my yard and landscaping tips and tricks with others. I hope that by reading my blog you'll have a yard that others will notice too.